Sunday, March 2, 2014

How to Consign Like a... Mother.

The mother of all consignment sales just happen to come this last week. I look forward to it all year. I plan. I prep. I store away hangers and clothes. I stash them in storage containers all over the house and then I sit and wait for the sale. 

See it only happens twice a year and it's big. Like Christmas morning big. 

My house goes from adorable to... ugghhh... this...

Why do I do it?! The money. I do it for the money. I'm not going to lie. I turn a pretty penny off of those beat up fire trucks, loved on stuffed animals and outgrown swim trunks. 

I plan it meticulously. I look for hangers year round and constantly think "can I consign that?" Yes, it sounds a bit crazy, but it works for us. 

So here are my secrets to consigning BIG. 

Gather your supplies. 
  1. Batteries. Lots of batteries. I get mine of clearance and at the dollar store. 
  2. Zip ties. 
  3. Large storage bags. The Dollar store sells huge bags that I can shove all sorts of goodies in. 
  4. Plastic wrap for wrapping puzzles. 
  5. Clear packing tape. 
  6. Safety pins. 
  7. Cardstock for printing
  8. The inter-web (for looking up prices, entering items, and printing your fabulous labels.)
  9. And, of course, clothes hangers. 

Everything you sell that requires batteries should work!! This is a must! 

Hanger Hoopla 
When I first started consigning I was clueless on finding hangers. Now, I have a few secrets. 
  1. Hit up neighbors and friends. 
  2. Clean out your closet. We needed a good reason to upgrade to wood hangers. Thank you consignment sales. 
  3. Post on Facebook. You'll have people come out of the wood works to give you free hangers. 
  4. Post an add on Craig's List. I did this a few times with much success. 
  5. Email coworkers. I have one coworker who always saves her husband's dry cleaning hangers for me. 
  6. Goodwill. When all else fails, I hit up Goodwill. They aren't free but are in bundles of about 12-13 hangers in the home section for a $1. Totally worth it.

CLEAN it! 

Don't ever assume that someone else will wash or clean an item. I break out all the pinterest tricks when cleaning and destickering the toys. WD-40 works great on removing sticker residue. Thank you, to my father-in-law for that trick.
Dawn, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide are great at removing set-in stains on clothes. 
And don't for get the magic eraser. It's magic. 

Also, the washing machine and dishwasher are your friends. 

People will pay more for clean items. It's true.

Group like items. 

When I'm getting ready to sell clothes I sort them by size. I also group books, and toys by age group. For example, board books vs. chapter books. OR infant toys vs. toddler toys. 

Be creative! 

I saw this trick at a consignment sale before and I thought it was genius. Why not put items together as a set? Here I have two books and a Chameleon sold as a set. 

Price to sell! 

If I'm unsure of the cost of an item I'll search Craig's List to see what the item is going for. I'll usually price it under the list price. If it's an item that I know what it retails, I'll price it for a 1/3 of what I purchased it and then usually a dollar or two less. 

Why I am "the best mom ever!"

How does it work for us? Why do we consign? It's actually not all about the money... See really there is a catch. I don't just sell items at these mega consignment sales... I buy. I buy big. I purchase a large amount of our kids' clothes, birthday gifts and Christmas gifts for the Bird and the Boo. And they love it. Really, I've been called "best mom ever" a time or two. 

The Multitasking Mummy


  1. LOVE these ideas and tips. Gearing up for a mom2mom sale so I can purge all the baby stuff we'll no longer need now that Mr. M is a toddler (tear!). Anyway, I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! If you'd like to participate the rules and questions are over on my blog at Can't wait to get to know you better!

    1. Thanks for the for visiting my blog and the nomination! I'm going to totally take you up on it!

  2. I love these ideas. I have been planning to do this for a while because we have so much stuff to get rid of and the money would help too.

  3. Wow this is brilliant and military precision. I will be doing this in the future no doubt as my boys begin to grow out of the baby stuff. Thank you for sharing. Stopping by form Mummy Mondays.

    1. Glad you liked it and thanks for visiting! Good luck.
