Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Potato Name Stamping

We've been working working really hard with the Bird on writing and spelling his name. He's interested in writing the letters (or numbers as he calls them) on paper and on his artwork. He addressed all of his Valentine's with a little help from me. Today we decided that we'd use potatoes as stamps to practice spelling his name. Yes, I like to sneak in educational activities where I can. 

First, I gathered the children supplies. 
Supplies: Small red potatoes, Pairing Knife, Paint, Paintbrush, and paper. 


I cut out the letters J A X O N using the knife while the Bird entertained his sister. We had a few potatoes left over so we made some fun shapes. 

I made a few mistakes in the process so I just resliced the potato and we were ready for go. Don't forget that when you're making the letters that you are actually making them backwards. I forgot at first with the J and the N and had to start over. This took all of 12 seconds.  

We squeezed out some acrylic paint. Colors chosen by none other, the Bird. 

We played around at first with stamping directly in the paint and then on to finger paint paper. They were both fails. The paint worked much better when in was painted on to the potatoes. The finger paint paper was was too slippery. 

We switched to cardstock and had much more success. 

A few of our favorite ones! The Bird had a great time stamping his name. The project was super inexpensive (and you know I love that) and took all of 15 minutes from start to finish which is perfect for the attention span of a three-year-old. 

Proudly on display. 

And I leave you with a short video of the Boo doing what she does best: making totally silly noises with her mouth. 

How have you helped your child learn to spell their name? 

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